We have put together a world class group of presenters for the 2011 NSCA Arizona State Clinic. This 1.5 day clinic will cover a diversity of topics that will meet all interests. This course is open to students, NSCA Members and non-NSCA Members. Please find a list of Presenters, Topics and Descriptions below...
Course Outline
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Speakers Include:
Mark Verstegen
Performance Systems: How to Make Sense of Everything You Know
We often acquire information independent of any connection. This presentation seeks to create a context for a performance system that can seamlessly integrate all acquired knowledge in the field of strength and conditioning.
Sue Falsone
The Thoracic Spine: The Missing Link to Core Stability Programming
During this session, you will learn about the concepts and importance of thoracic mobility and how it interacts with the lumbar spine, upper extremities, and breath. After this session, you will be able to expand your core stability programming for better results with your athletes.
Amanda Carlson-Phillips
Danielle Lafata
Nutrition and the Athletic Brain
Keeping our brains fueled properly is just as important as keeping our muscles fueled for peak performance. Mental health and function can be support through proper nutrition strategies. We will cover the most up-to-date theories and nutrients that can possibly help support optimal brain function.
Gabriele Wulf
An External Focus of Attention Enhances Movement Performance and Efficiency
A performer’s focus of attention while executing a motor skill has an important influence on performance and learning. Specifically, an external focus of attention (i.e. focus on the movement effect) has been shown to result in more effective and efficient movements than an internal focus (i.e., focus on the movements themselves). Advantages of adopting an external focus have been found to be generalizable across different sports skills, skill levels, or age groups. Findings showing that an external focus promotes movement automaticity, accuracy, consistency, and efficiency – including greater force production and reduced oxygen consumption – will be discussed.
Charles Staley
Escalating Density Training: Time Management Meets Program Design
Escalating Density Training is now nearly 10 years old. If you're not familiar with EDT, this is a great introduction to a very popular training system. If you are familiar with EDT, here's your chance to get up to date on Charles Staley's latest thoughts and implementation strategies on EDT.
Eric Reed
How to Start a Successful High School Strength Program
The presentation is the “how to” for starting or taking over a high school strength and conditioning program. Topics to include: Philosophy, Programming, Periodization and Testing and Coaching. Attendees should be able to gain a better understanding into what goes on in a Successful high school program.
Nick Winkelman
The Science of Coaching: Applying Theory in Practice
This presentation will review the literature on the coaching sciences and their application in athletic performance development. Topics will include instruction types, cueing, feedback types and scheduling, practice design, and learning/retention of skills. Each attendee will be given the science and application to improve the delivery of their coaching to ensure optimal retention of information for application on the field of play.
John (JC) Cole
Long-Term Athletic Development and Skill Acquisition Design
This presentation will cover the overall concept and design of Long-Term-Athlete Development and Skills Acquisition templates for your athletic programs. These simple template designs cover peaking and tapering cycles for 6 and 12 month cycles and the Skills Acquisition template can be a broad based document including volume and intensity that reverse engineers the 10,000 hour rule that can take your athletes from inception of sport to completion at National Governing Body level.
Guido Van Ryssegem
Movement Variability: What is in it for us?
Variability in movement is a natural and normal phenomenon that influences our lives, our physical accomplishments and our musculoskeletal and mental health. Motor skills in the healthy populations are associated with an optimal amount of movement variability, while in the unhealthy populations it is less than optimal. As exercise is prescribed as an intervention, we need to understand how much or how little variability of movement should be recommended so our audiences’ goals can be met.
This presentation will review the literature on movement variability and how this variability impacts different populations. Exercise recommendations will be brought forward for these populations.