We have put together a world class group of presenters for the 2012 NSCA Arizona State Clinic. This 1 day clinic will cover a diversity of topics that will meet all interests. This course is open to students, NSCA Members and non-NSCA Members. Please find a list of Presenters, Topics and Descriptions below...
Course Outline/Registration (Lunch Included)
Facebook Event
Speakers Include:
Alwyn Cosgrove
Training the Executive Athlete
This seminar will define the executive athlete, help attendees understand the psychology/decision making that will help attract and keep this market and demonstrate coaching techniques, programming, and the execution of a delivery system that produces results.
Chris Frankel
Functional Conditioning: Energy System Training
The way coaches approach the “conditioning” side of Strength and Conditioning is often lagging behind the “strength” side. How can we get to “functional conditioning” akin to how we have arrived at “functional training?” The first step is breaking the old paradigm of separate energy systems and appreciating how duration and intensity domains apply to intervals, sprints and endurance training. This session will cover relevant science and best coaching practices related to work capacity, interval training and repeated sprint ability. In addition, the connection between movement training and strength conditioning will be discussed.
Amanda Carlson-Phillips and Danielle Lafata
Modern Diet Trends: A Review of the Evidence
Jared Porter PhD
Practice Makes Perfect: Strategies to Make Practice and Training More Efficient and Effective
In this lecture we will discuss different types of flexibility and mobility, the science behind these techniques and examples of where and how to place them practically into your programming.
We are continually inundated with different ideals and beliefs on how we should fuel our bodies for weight loss and overall health. It makes it difficult to discern fact from fiction with so many different opinions on the proper way to eat. How could all these diets be true and absolute? During this time we will take a look at evidence supporting these diets and sort through the pros and the cons.
Jared Porter PhD
Practice Makes Perfect: Strategies to Make Practice and Training More Efficient and Effective
Do you want to get more out of your training sessions? This presentation will discuss how to incorporate well established scientific principles into your practice sessions with the goal of improving performance. The presentation will focus on scientifically validated strategies every practitioner can use to make practice more efficient and effective.
Patrick Ward
The Role of Stress Resistance in Athletic Performance and Program DesignPatrick Ward
The goal of this lecture is to gain an appreciation for the role stress plays in athletic performance and how we can use these ideas in program development. Both theoretical and practical information will be provided, along with case studies, to help attendees understand the lecturer’s process of designing training programs around both specific and non-specific stressors.
Sue Falsone
Flexibility & Mobility: How Does it Fit Into Our Strength & Stability ProgramsSue Falsone
In this lecture we will discuss different types of flexibility and mobility, the science behind these techniques and examples of where and how to place them practically into your programming.